Mike's FTL stuff > Weapon travel times

FTL weapon travel times

All times are in seconds.

Firing delay Speed1 Delay between shots Beam duration1 First tick on Zoltan Shield1 Second tick on Zoltan Shield1 Time to explode
{{ times.initial_delay }} {{ times.speed }} {{ times.shot_duration }} {{ times.tick1 }} {{ times.tick2 }}

Time to enemy shields2

Any size ship4 Engi Scout Flagship
Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max
{{ times.anySizeShields.mean }} {{ times.anySizeShields.min }} {{ times.anySizeShields.max }} {{ times.engiShields.mean }} {{ times.engiShields.min }} {{ times.engiShields.max }} {{ times.flagshipShields.mean }} {{ times.flagshipShields.min }} {{ times.flagshipShields.max }}

{{ times.weaponSlotTravel }} travel time from back to front weapon mount, Zoltan B

All bombs take 1.7 seconds to explode: 0.95 to teleport off your ship (that’s when the evasion check happens), and 0.75 to finish materialising on the enemy ship and explode.

Time to player shields3

Any size ship4 Engi cruiser Crystal cruiser
Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max
{{ times.anyCruiserShields.mean }} {{ times.anyCruiserShields.min }} {{ times.anyCruiserShields.max }} {{ times.engiCruiserShields.mean }} {{ times.engiCruiserShields.min }} {{ times.engiCruiserShields.max }} {{ times.crystalCruiserShields.mean }} {{ times.crystalCruiserShields.min }} {{ times.crystalCruiserShields.max }}
  1. speed is a unitless value from the game files
  2. does not include firing delay
  3. includes firing delay. Measured from a forward weapon mount on Kestrel A
  4. includes firing delay. Measured from an Auto-scout
  5. just combining the other two results